Thursday, 23 April 2009

"BRIDGES" Pointing towards a rhythm of Christian life?

Yesterdays posting developed "Bridges" as a metaphor for a journey. However does it also imply a rhythm of engagement of the church community in walking with people. In other words walking with people in their quests, reflections, crisis's and discoveries.

I wonder if our weekly church programmes fall short of opportunities which reflect the the pulse of life, it's quests, crises and discoveries?

"BRIDGES" Making sense of our quests!

Bridges could represent part of the journey we take in our quest to discover meaning in our lives.It is also our story. It is through sharing our story that we make sense of our place and role in community.

  • Search for a river crossing: The quest!
  • Discover the bridge. It has been already created!
  • Crossing the bridge. Moments of reflection? Moments of crisis? Do we continue or turn back?
  • Arriving at the other side: Continue journey with a new energy having reflected or struggled with a crisis.

For me Christian life is about crossing bridges. Discovering that a bridges were already created by God.
Palm 139: All the days for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." (NIV).
Crossing the bridge with all it's moments of reflection and crisis. In this we meet the crisis of Jesus on the cross. It makes it's impact. A sacrifice which calls for a response.
I look at the flowing river far below.
What do need to discard?
What do I need to equip myself to journey on the other side?
- It's about absorbing the nature of Christ and applying it to the world around us.
I.E. Love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness, gentleness and self control (Gal 5:22)

That's the bridge crossing!
The constant quest, struggle, our story, our compassion,our Christ following.
Without out this we do not make sense.
Without the above our churches turn into benign internalised social clubs.
We destroy are greatest asset .... compassionate community.